Tips for your first trip to Canada

Tips for your first trip to canada

Are you planning your first trip to Canada? You must be excited to be visiting Canada. Whenever you travel to a new place, there are several things to be kept in mind to have a safe and enjoyable vacation.

Here are some tips you must follow on your first trip to Canada:

  1. Know what to wear

Canada is a large country and the temperature and climate vary across Canada. A visit to Vancouver in the summer will not be the same as visiting Winnipeg in the summer. Look up the temperature and climate of the places you are visiting and bring clothes accordingly. For example, if you are visiting Winnipeg, bringing along snow boots and a waterproof jacket is a good idea.

  1. Keep yourself safe against petty crime

Canada is a very safe country but it is always better to be safe than to repent later. Life is unpredictable and untoward incidents may happen. A good practice is to leave your passport in the hotel safe and carry a photocopy instead. Also, if you are travelling by car or taxi, do not leave your valuable around, even if the car is locked.

  1. Be prepared for weather conditions

Canadian winters can be intense. So, keep an eye on the changing weather conditions of the country. A good website to track weather conditions in Canada is the Weather Network. In winter, road closures often happen in Canada due to snowstorms and avalanches. If you rent a car, make sure the vehicle has snow tyres.

  1. Get your visas in place before you travel

Depending on your country, you may need a visa or an electronic travel authorization to travel to Canada. You must arrange the same before you travel to Canada.

  1. Get travel insurance

It is always important to buy travel insurance before you travel to Canada. If you plan on engaging in winter activities like skiing or snowboarding, you must have travel insurance. Though these activities are fun, they can often be risky.

  1. Transport

Using public transport in Canada can be a cheaper option than travelling by Uber. If you are in Vancouver, you can use SkyTrain which is the longest fully automated driverless system in the world. If you are in Toronto you can use the subway or public buses. If, however, you are going to a rural area, it is best to rent a car as getting from one point to another can be difficult otherwise.

  1. Emergency numbers

It is always a very good idea to memorize emergency numbers in whichever country you visit. Canada, just like the US, uses 911 as the emergency number. Some areas like Edmonton, Calgary, Halifax, Vancouver and Winnipeg use 311 for non-emergencies.

  1. Peak season

Summer is the busiest time of the year. Canadians like to make the most of the short summer months in Canada. However, visiting during September and November can be cheaper as flight prices are less during this time.

  1. Tim Horton

Tim Horton’s is Canada’s answer to Starbucks. You must head over to Tim Horton’s for budget coffee and snacks on your trip to Canada. Your trip is incomplete if you do not visit Tim Horton’s at least once.

  1. Plugs/Electronics in Canada

Canada, like the US, uses 120 volts in wall outlets. If you bring electronic items that run at 230 or 240 volts, they may not work in Canada. You can alternatively carry a voltage converter and an adapter for using your electronics in Canada.

If you are planning to immigrate to Canada permanently, it is a good idea to visit it once. You will get to know a lot about the country like its climate, culture, and atmosphere. You will also get a fair idea as to what you are getting into. However, Canada is so beautiful that you will find very few who would dislike it. Visiting Canada can motivate you, even more, to start your Canada PR Visa process as soon as possible.

You may apply for a Canada PR Visa through the very popular Express Entry Program, provided you meet the eligibility requirements. The Express Entry Program follows a points-based system that assigns a CRS score to each eligible applicant. The higher your CRS score, the faster you receive an invitation to apply for the Canada PR Visa. You may use a CRS calculator to find out your CRS score.