7 Tips For Recovering With A Broken Leg

Recovering With A Broken Leg

A broken leg can stop you from performing your daily life activities for weeks or even months. Recovery from your broken leg is associated with the location, complexity, and type of fracture.

For example, you need a complex plan of treatment to recover a fractured thigh bone or femur. But a broken fibula present in the lower leg can be recovered easily. Ideal recovery means getting pre-injury leg function. You don’t feel pain in an ideal recovery.

Do your best to get a pre-injury function because it’s not possible in all cases. Remember that you have to start making efforts slowly to recover from a broken leg. Don’t put much stress on your leg. It can lead to several issues related to the leg.

Doctors check the progress during the recovery of your leg. Follow your rehabilitation and recovery plan. Tell your doctor about your concern. Following are the best tips that can help you to recover from a broken leg.

Know The Strategies Of Recovery

Your main goal during the process of recovery is the management of the symptoms. Try hard to regain the pre-injury leg function that is pain-free. It can take a long time to recover. Recovery challenge depends on the leg fracture type.

Walking gait or leg function does not return to the level of pre-injury in some cases. Start discussing your leg function in the beginning with your doctor. 

Know all the strategies that can help you to recover from the injury. The doctor tells you the top recovery goals that proceed with the fastest recovery.

Manage All The Symptoms

Common symptoms that you can suffer during the problem of a broken leg include tenderness. Swelling, bruising, and pain. Follow the PRICE to manage your symptoms. It includes protection of your leg, taking rest, applying ice, leg compression, and elevation.

It may be important for just 48 hours. Doctors give you over-the-counter pain relievers for example naproxen (Aleve) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). You need narcotic pain medications and some other important measures for complex fractures.

Bear Weight As Suggested

The doctor may suggest you put some weight on your leg. You have to put that weight on the area of your leg for several weeks or months until the healing of the bone. Get the help of a walker or fitted crutches to get around during the time of recovery.

There are some fractures that quickly heal with the help of a weight-bearing strategy. But if you want to get some stability for walking then use rigid boots. Do not put a burden on your bone when you start walking without any aid.

Regaining the full strength of bone may take time. It depends on your age and the type of injury. Keep trying to regain your bone strength.

Follow Guidelines Provided For Activities

Some leg features that are simple help you to move around. But thigh bone or femur and complex fractures need bed rest and a traction period. You may also need surgery for such fractures. Follow all the guidelines of your doctor to do activities.

Doing too many activities during the fracture can create problems for you such as broken bone movement. Take rest when you notice pain or swelling in your leg. Ask the doctor about a safe time to do the daily work, activities, and other tasks.

Choose Physical Therapy For A Good Recovery

The doctor will probably recommend you physical therapy or therapeutic exercise to proceed with a good recovery. It includes some strengthening exercises, stretching, and range of motion. Your doctor may suggest home exercise for a simple fracture.

You may have to take an appointment with a physical therapist in case of severe injuries. The exercises sometimes seem painful but talk to your therapist or doctor about pain management. In this way, you can easily reach the goals of recovery.

Notice The Problems

It is important to notice all the complications during the process of recovery of your leg. When you notice tingling, fever, color changes of your leg or foot, numbness, severe pain, or swelling then immediately call your doctor.

All these symptoms could induce complications. Chronic pain or arthritis remains for a longer time when you suffer a leg fracture. Discuss with your doctor if your symptoms are not healing.

Prevent Injuries In Future

Physical therapists or doctors provide you with guidelines to prevent severe injuries in the future. It includes initiating new activities and building the strength of your muscles. You may need to change your exercise routine in order to reduce the burden on bone.

Vitamin D or calcium is much necessary for the strength of your bone. Your doctor may also recommend supplements. Apply all the safety measures for a quick recovery.