5 Creative Instagram Story Ideas You’ll Want to Steal

Creative Instagram Story Ideas

Instagram stories are a great way to market your business, keep your brand at the forefront of your target market’s mind, connect and engage with your audience, and more. By posting stories, you are expanding your reach and making sure your account is not lost in the noise.

However, whether you are using Instagram for your personal or business account, you may be struggling with finding creative Instagram story ideas. It can be hard to know what your target audience expects from your stories and whether they should be fun and engaging or serious and informative. 

Fortunately, there are a few best practices you can use when creating this essential content. If you are ready to benefit from using stories but aren’t sure what to post, this short and simple guide is for you. 

1. A Peek Behind the Scenes

A great idea for your Instagram story is to post a peek behind the scenes of your business or life. Post something about your morning routine or a look at your content creation process. You can make your story even more interesting by using a quality photo editing tool for Instagram.

2. FAQs

If you are looking for Instagram story ideas, consider answering some of your most common FAQs. This is a good way to provide helpful content that your audience is already asking for. Pick the most interesting FAQs and answer them in a series of stories. 

3. Influencer Takeover

A cool Instagram story idea is to host an influencer takeover of your account. This is ideal if you are collaborating with a brand or influencer who has a similar target market as you do. You can take over each other stories and connect with a new audience. 

4. Tips and Tricks

An engaging idea for Instagram stories is to post a series of helpful tips and tricks for a certain product, method, or DIY. This is ideal for accounts that are educational in nature. Take a common problem for your audience and help them solve it with a series of tips and tricks. 

5. Testimonials 

Whether you have just launched a new product or service or you have been selling for years, consider using customer testimonials for your Instagram stories. This is a great way to promote your product or service with a first-hand account from a satisfied customer. You can use this once or create a short-term series as an effective marketing method. 

Use These Creative Instagram Story Ideas to Reach Your Audience

By using these creative Instagram story ideas, you can post content your followers will love.

Consider posting a peek behind the scenes or FAQs. You can also host an influencer takeover or post relevant tips and tricks and something you are an expert in. Consider marketing your business by using customer testimonials to showcase the benefits of your products or services. 

Use one or more of these tips to create great content for your Instagram stories.

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